You can use the sun to reduce your electric bills. By installing a solar electric system, you will also be helping to protect the environment because you will be using a clean renewable energy to power your business. You can virtually eliminate your electric bill and protect against future utility price increases. From day one, solar power offsets a portion of your electricity purchased from the grid and your electric bill.
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Most definitely! Consumers are increasingly demanding that the companies they do business with engage in sustainable business practices. Going solar will demonstrate that your company is committed to environmental responsibility.
Total cost depends on the system size, equipment and installation type. The team at Evergreen Energy will analyze your all your business’s specifications including specific electrical usage and project site to determine the best system size and installation type for your facility. Other factors such as current electric rate schedules, financial incentives, and system financing can affect your overall investment. Our company offers competitively priced systems with the highest level quality service and products.
The federal government currently has a 30% Investment Tax Credit which helps to offset a large portion of the upfront system investment. Our team of rebate and interconnection specialists can help you navigate the incentive process from beginning to end. In most cases the only work you will have to do is sign a contract and the rebate paperwork and we take care of the rest.
Evergreen Energy will handle all permitting issues related to installing a solar electric system on your property, as permit requirements vary in each jurisdiction.
Yes. According to a study published in The Appraisal Journal, every $1 of electricity that you offset through solar will increase the value of your building by $20. This means that your property would increase in value immediately by about the total net cost of the system after rebates. Also, solar electric systems are exempt from property tax assessment increases.
Your site must have clear, unobstructed access to the sun. Buildings, trees or other vegetation should not shade your site. Some shade can be worked around with the design of the system. PV systems facing southeast to west deliver optimal production. Several factors such as tilt, sun exposure, and location also affect energy production. If a rooftop is not available, your PV system can also be mounted on the ground, on carports or pole-mounted, among other custom variations depending on your site and space.
The recommended size of your system depends on your power consumption. If you want to completely offset your current electrical usage from the utility with a solar electric system, the first step is to review your annual energy consumption which can be obtained from your utility bill. Commercial systems can range in sizes from 10,000W up to and beyond 100,000W, or 1,000 to 10,000 square feet of solar modules. Your needs will depend upon the size of your facility and your energy loads. Evergreen Energy will do a full analysis to determine the ideal size system for your business to maximize solar benefits.
The amount of space your solar panels take up on your roof depends on the size of your system. A single panel can have a footprint of about 4′ long and 30″ wide, so an array of 8 panels can be approx. 24′ long, depending on how they are oriented. In almost all cases, rest assured your roof will accommodate the right size system for you, and our knowledgeable staff will walk you thru this process during the consultation phase. Typically, you need 100 square feet of roof space for every 1 kW of conventional solar panels.
The typical commercial system combined with the current rebates and tax incentives can usually pay for itself in about 3-6 years. That is considering that the typical utility costs escalate about 7% per year which is approximately the number provided by the California Public Utilities Commission.
If you finance your system, you may realize net savings as early as the first year. Instead of paying your monthly utility bill, you’ll be making loan payments for your solar PV system. You will effectively be paying less for your loan than you currently pay your utility company. Your exact payback period will depend on your electrical usage, electric rate schedule, and cost of your system.
No. While the panels are made of tempered glass, they are quite strong. They pass hail tests, and are regularly installed in Arctic and Antarctic conditions.
No. Solar power electric systems fit seamlessly into your building. You won’t have to buy new appliances or change your electrical outlets; everything will work just the same as it did before. You should experience no practical changes except for one noticeable change — you no longer will need to pay exorbitant rates for energy.
Evergreen Energy’s PV systems connect to the local utility grid so no batteries are necessary.
For safety reasons, your solar system will automatically shut off if the power goes out.
Yes, through “net metering” any excess electricity generated will spin your meter backwards which has the effect of selling your excess power to the utility at a full retail rate. On a monthly basis, you pay only the “net” of the power you used. If you generate more power than you used in a month your utility company will forward your excess solar energy credits to be used during the next month. This allows any excess energy generated in the summer to be used during the winter when there is less solar energy and usually higher energy usage.
The basic PV module (interconnected, enclosed panel of PV cells) has no moving parts and can last more than 40 years. In fact the first solar electric panel built back in the 1950s is still generating electricity today! The best way to ensure and extend the life and effectiveness of your PV system is by having it installed and maintained properly.
Established by the Energy Policy Act of 2005, owners of renewable energy property are eligible for a Federal Incentive Tax Credit equal to 26% of the eligible system cost. If the tax credit exceeds the customer’s first year tax liability, the excess amount may be continuously carried forward for 20 years.
Businesses installing solar systems can now benefit from a very favorable depreciation allowance, which significantly increases their rate of return and decreases risk on the investment.
A SREC is a tradable certificate that represents the clean energy benefits of the electricity generated by a solar electric system. A SREC is issued for every 1,000 kWh generated by the system and can be sold to generate additional income.
The modules must have a performance warranty from the manufacturer that protects against the electrical output of the unit degrading more than 10% over a 10-year period, and more than 20% over a 20-year period.
Inverters have a 10-year warranty provided by the equipment manufacturer that protects against defect or component breakdown.
Evergreen Energy provides a full 5-year warranty for parts and workmanship and will provide diagnosis, repair and replacement of any system or system component, including roof attachment penetrations which carry our 5-year warranty against roof leaks.
In some cases, it is possible to offset all or nearly all of your required electrical power with a solar PV system. The main determining factors are whether you have enough space with sufficient hours of sun exposure and your normal hours of operation. The team at Evergreen Energy will analyze your site and energy use to determine how much of your power needs can be handled by a solar system and what system type and design would be best for your facility.
Solar energy is truly one of the most hassle-free products in today’s market. Solar PV systems are designed and installed to be low-maintenance. An occasional cleaning of panels by hosing them down will ensure optimal performance.
Your solar system will reduce the current demand on existing fossil-fuel power plants, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and contributing to the fight against climate change. By going solar you will be taking an exemplary leadership role in your community by doing your part to protect the environment from further damage caused by long-established energy sources. Solar energy systems are endorsed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as an effective alternative to prevent the release of pollutants into the atmosphere by traditional fossil fuel energy sources.