Project Summary
Installation Type: Rooftop Mounted Solar System
System Size: 414.8 DC
System Production: 502,255
Project Overview
Yesterwear is a screen printing company with licenses to the world’s largest clothing brands, including Nike, Levi’s, Converse, and Jordan. They are based out of Lumberton, New Jersey, and sell their products worldwide.
System Specifications
The Yesterwear roof is a standing-seam metal roof. Ballasts don’t work on metal seamed roofs, so their 1,360 solar panels were installed using a fully railed racking system instead. Clamps were used to secure the rails to the roof seams.
Yesterwear’s solar system has a peak power of 414.8 kW DC and generates an estimated 502,255 kWh of clean, renewable energy each year. By reducing Yesterwear’s carbon footprint by 355 metric tons annually, this solar system sequesters as much carbon as 464 acres of US forest over a year.